

Monsplasty generally refers to a procedure in which the doctor carefully makes an incision to surgically remove the excess fats and tissue from the area above the vagina, generally referred to as the pubic area. Moreover, the treatment is highly effective in reducing bulging of the mons. The primary objective of the treatment is to enhance the appearance of the mons pubis (fatty pad above the vagina). This procedure is also commonly referred to as pubic uplift, and the name of the procedure itself briefly gives an idea about the purpose of the procedure.

You must have a strong desire to tighten the skin of your mons pubis and uplift it in order to have a firmer appearance. However, if you feel a bit disappointed and dissatisfied with the appearance of your fatty pad, this procedure will undoubtedly enable you to get rid of excess skin and tissues of your mons pubis. The build-up of fats in the mons pubis can cause it to become enlarged, and this could be more prominent after childbirth or gaining excessive weight. As a result, you’ll notice a significant change in the appearance of your mons pubis, which will appear to be saggy.

Monsplasty procedure is highly effective in reducing the excess skin and tissues that will undeniably enhance the look of your pubic area. Considerably Enlarged mons pubis can be problematic for you and could make it very much difficult for you to carry out certain activities like sexual intercourse.


Dr Khadija is a certified aesthetic gynaecologist with exceptional medical knowledge and vast experience in cosmetic gynaecology. Dr Khadija is passionate about her work,  genuinely understands her patients’ concerns and politely responds to their queries. She always prioritises her patients well being and safety.