Clitoral Hood Reduction

Clitoral Hood Reduction

For women who don’t get sexual pleasure and lack vaginal sensitivity during sexual intercourse,  this treatment is exactly what they need. It allows women to heighten the sexual stimulation and help them maintain the spark in their relationship. So if you’re wondering about the ways to make your sexual relationship more pleasurable and erotic, the Clitoral Hood reduction procedure will magically revive your sex life.

Clitoral Hood Reduction Procedure

Clitoral reduction is a highly effective procedure that considerably enhances a woman’s sexual sensation and aims to increase sexual gratification. The procedure includes the removal of the excess tissue around the clitoris. So if you fantasise about spicing up your sex life and making your relationship exciting, this treatment would enable you to experience frequent orgasms. Not only this, but the procedure will enhance your vulva appearance, which you always must have secretly desired, and as a result, it will boost your self-esteem and confidence level. Moreover, one of the most important purposes of this treatment is that you wouldn’t have to face any discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Shortly after the procedure, you may experience a little swelling, but there’s nothing to be worried about as it will go away after some time. You can return to her normal routine just within a day or two after the procedure. Still, doctors recommend that it is better to refrain from exhausting physical activities like working out and sexual intimacy just for a few weeks.


Dr Khadija is considered to be a highly professional and competent cosmetic gynaecologist. She comprehensively responds to her patient’s queries and believes in adopting a holistic approach to her patients. Furthermore, she has vast experience in the field of cosmetic gynaecology and did her training at the prestigious “Harley Street Institute London”.