Services we offer

Nothing can beat a mother’s love, care, and warmth. Yet, Khadija Fertility Clinic tries its best to meet all your maternity needs in one place. Offering you range of services with full support.

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    The Miracle of Motherhood

    Motherhood is an experience. Perhaps, a roller coaster ride. Experience the joys of motherhood with full support.

    Planning a Baby

    Getting pregnant and starting a family is a decision that should be made wisely. Asses your health and the right time to start a family.

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    A tough yet a beautiful phase. The nine-month journey where utmost care can result in a healthy baby and a healthy mother. Find the care you need with Dr Khadija Farhan.

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    The First Scan

    One of the beautiful joys of parenthood is watching the little bub grow. The first ultrasound scan is an overwhelming experience. Don’t miss it.

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    Baby Birth

    Painful or painless, baby birth is difficult. But expert hands and a good support system can ease the birthing phase. Dr Khadija Fertility Clinic is your support system.

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    Post-Natal Care

    Post-natal care is taking care of yourself and your baby after birth. The main goal of post-natal care is to avoid any kind of mishaps like the death of mother or newborn baby.

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    Feeding your Baby

    Breastfeeding or formula feeding? A confusing decision. Make a sound decision with a doctor’s consultation. Asses you and your baby’s needs before jumping to a decision.

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    You need an expert to help you through your pregnancy journey. Talk to us now.”

    Highly Qualified Doctor

    Dr. Khadija’s experience and a degree from Germany offer an exceptional range of services. A qualified doctor promising careful and expert attention.

    Personalized, Dedicated Care

    Dr. Khadija commits to being the best support for the women. Apart from diagnosis, she ensures each patient is given personal care and dedication to continue making them happy.

    Advanced Technology

    Dr. Khadija’s Fertility Clinic offers a range of services with the implementation of modern technology ensuring treatment for all kinds of fertility issues and maternal care.

    Success Stories

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    Ph: +92-317-545-7107
    Address: Dr Khadija’s Gyne & Infertility Clinic PWD Road,


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